Kayne Robinson NRA
President |
John Kerry says he's a hunter. He's even got the
campaign photos to prove it. Kerry says he supports
the Second Amendment, but says that you don't
need an AK-47 to hunt deer.
The problem is, the Clinton gun ban was not about
AK-47s or about any other machine gun. It was the
most comprehensive ban ever on self-loading firearms
just like those you and I and our neighbors use every
day for personal protection, hunting and competitive shooting.Kerry Rated "F"...Fake, Fraud and Second Amendment Phony
Remember Bill Clinton? During the campaign, he staged a duck
hunt and posed for the cameras as a hunter and sportsman. He got
elected and signed into law the most sweeping gun ban in American
history, posing for the cameras with Chuck Schumer, Sarah Brady and
the rest of the anti-Second Amendment lobby.
Remember Jane Fonda? She loved guns so much she had her photograph
taken with an anti-aircraft gun in Vietnam. The problem was, it was
in North Vietnam! She didn't mind that gun, but spent years trying
to deny your firearms freedom in America.
Don't believe the campaign photos and rhetoric. Believe the
John Kerry says he's a hunter. He's even got the campaign photos
to prove it. Kerry says he supports the Second Amendment, but says
that you don't need an ak-47 to hunt deer. The problem is, the
Clinton gun ban was not about ak-47s or about any other machine
gun. It was the most comprehensive ban ever on self-loading
firearms just like those you and I and our neighbors use every day
for personal protection, hunting and competitive shooting. John
Kerry voted to ban your guns, Bill Clinton signed the bill into law
and they were both very proud to trample on your rights.
The latest gun ban organization, Americans for Gun Safety, and the
liberal anti-gun Sierra Club are running a national campaign to
paint John Kerry as a great hunter and gun owner. Their goal is
simple-if they cannot get you to support Kerry, they want to at
least get you to not fear his position on gun rights.
But you should fear him. Ignore the rhetoric, fear John Kerry's
record and vote against him in November!
If you really want to know where John Kerry stands, just look at
who stands with him.
The Brady Campaign gave him a 100-percent rating. So did the
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. Those two groups have joined with
the anti-gun Million Mom March, MoveOn.org and the Sierra
Club-along with Ted Kennedy, Dianne Feinstein, Frank Lautenberg,
Carolyn McCarthy and Chuck Schumer-to help get Kerry elected.
The gun ban lobby couldn't love John Kerry any more than
Gun Owners of America rates John Kerry as a zero. And the nra has
repeatedly, throughout his two decades in public office, rated
Kerry as an "F."
In 1982, Kerry served as lieutenant governor under Michael Dukakis
in Massachusetts, where citizens suffer from some of the most
oppressive anti-gun laws in America. In the United States Senate,
Kerry has cast more than 50-FIFTY!-anti-gun votes to strip away
your freedom.
If you thought Al Gore was bad, then John Kerry is a gun owner's
worst nightmare.
Don't let John Kerry and his cohorts swindle the American people
in this election. Don't believe the staged photos and lip service.
Believe the Kerry record, fear it and vote against it in
Nra members have a great history of going to the
polls on election day and taking their family and friends along to
Vote Freedom First. Do it again this fall. John Kerry is an "f"-a
fake, a fraud and a Second Amendment phony.
We are not fooled.
Vote Freedom First!