Vote Freedom First. Vote Mark Robinson for Governor!

“A+” Rated by NRA-PVF
Defends Your Freedoms
Believes that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms for all law-abiding Americans.
Supports Constitutional Carry
By recognizing the right of law-abiding adults who are legally eligible to obtain a carry permit, to carry a handgun without first having to obtain government permission.
Supports Self-Defense
As Lt. Governor, he supported the repeal of the Pistol Purchase Permit system in North Carolina.
Opposes Firearm Registration
Opposes gun registration and supports privacy protections for gun owners by prohibiting the use of firearm specific merchant category codes by payment processors.
Volunteer with Frontlines
NRA-ILA FrontLines is comprised of NRA-ILA's most dedicated volunteers, who work vigorously at the local, state, and federal levels to defend our Second Amendment rights. FrontLines members work with NRA-ILA, and especially with their NRA-ILA FrontLines Activist Leader (FAL), to advance ILA's legislative and political agendas. Your FAL is a local NRA member who has volunteered to act as the liaison between NRA members and gun owners and various pro-gun campaigns seeking volunteer support. Your EVC also works with local Second Amendment supporters to promote NRA-ILA's legislative agenda.