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NRA-PVF: Political Victory Fund
Your Freedom is Under Attack! Vote On or Before November 6th!
Your Freedom is Under Attack! Vote On or Before November 6th!

Dear New Jersey NRA Member:

They’re coming for your freedom! George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and the anti-gun elite see a real opportunity to elect Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of the House and Chuck Schumer the Senate Majority Leader. Together they will implement their radical gun control agenda. We can’t let that happen!

Please vote Tom MacArthur for U.S. House of Representatives in New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District on or before Tuesday, November 6th. Absentee voting is currently underway and runs through November 5, 2018. For more information on voting, please call 1-877-658-6837 or click here.

The NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) has endorsed Tom MacArthur for the U.S. House of Representatives in the 3rd Congressional District of New Jersey. Tom has a proven pro-Second Amendment record and is committed to protecting our right to self-defense!

For the following reasons, Tom MacArthur has received our endorsement and “A” rating:

  • Supports Right-to-Carry - Cosponsored and voted for the strongest Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation ever to come before the U.S. Congress, which would ensure that the nearly 20 million law-abiding Americans who can carry a concealed firearm in their home state are able to do so in any other state that does not prohibit concealed carry.
  • Supports Veterans’ Second Amendment Rights - Voted for legislation that would protect veterans’ Second Amendment rights.
  • Opposes Backdoor Gun Ban - Voted to strike down an Obama-era regulation that would have stripped Social Security recipients of their Second Amendment rights without due process.
  • Supports America’s Hunting Heritage - Voted for the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreation Enhancement (SHARE) Act, a bill that would benefit sportsmen throughout New Jersey and the country.
  • Opposes Operation Choke Point - Voted for legislation to end an abusive Obama-era program, known as Operation Choke Point, in which the Department of Justice intimidated banks into refusing or severing financial services to legally-operated ammunition and firearms dealers.
  • Opposes the U.N. Gun Ban Treaty - Signed a letter opposing the Obama Administration’s signing of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) that would impose international restrictions on American gun owners.
  • Supports Protecting America’s Communities - Voted to strengthen school security, reform our broken mental health system and make sure the background check system is instant, accurate and fair.

MacArthur’s opponent, Andy Kim, has received an “F” rating from the NRA.  A vote for Andy Kim is a vote to put Nancy Pelosi in control of Congress. Please vote Tom MacArthur for U.S. House of Representatives on or before Tuesday, November 6th, and please encourage your friends and family to do the same!

# Tom MacArthur
  Incumbent for the New Jersey 3rd Congressional District
NRA Endorsed with NRA-PVF Rating: A

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