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NRA-PVF: Political Victory Fund
Vote Freedom First Tomorrow, August 21st - Vote John Barrasso for U.S. Senate!
Vote Freedom First Tomorrow, August 21st - Vote John Barrasso for U.S. Senate!

Dear Wyoming NRA Member:

Please vote for John Barrasso in tomorrow’s Republican primary election for U.S. Senate.  For more information on voting, please call (307) 777-5860 or visit the Wyoming Elections Guide.

John Barrasso, “A” Rated and NRA-PVF Endorsed

The NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) has endorsed John Barrasso for U.S. Senate in the August 21, 2018, Republican primary and he has earned an “A” rating.  An “A” rating is reserved for a solidly pro-gun legislator who has supported NRA positions on key votes and issues.  John has a proven record of standing up to attacks on your Second Amendment rights and is committed to supporting President Trump’s pro-gun agenda!

  • Supports Pro-Gun Supreme Court Justices – Voted to confirm Neil Gorsuch, a pro-Second Amendment justice, to the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Supports Right-to-Carry – Voted for Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation, which would ensure that the nearly 20 million law-abiding Americans who can carry a concealed firearm in their home state are able to do so in any other state that does not prohibit concealed carry.
  • Opposes UN Gun Ban Treaty – Voted for legislation that would prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. He also signed a letter opposing any international treaty by the United Nations or other global organizations that would impose restrictions on American gun owners.  
  • Opposes Semi-Auto Ban – Voted against Senator Dianne Feinstein’s failed semi-auto ban that would ban commonly owned semi-automatic firearms used for hunting, recreational shooting and self-defense.
  • Supports Veterans’ Second Amendment Rights – Voted for legislation to protect veterans’ Second Amendment rights. 
  • Opposes Backdoor Gun Ban – Voted to strike down an Obama-era regulation that would have stripped Social Security recipients of their Second Amendment rights without due process.
  • Opposes Criminalizing Private Firearm Transfers – Voted against the Schumer/Pelosi/Bloomberg so-called “universal” background check system that would criminalize the private transfer of firearms which, according to the Obama Justice Department, is only enforceable through federal firearms registration.
  • Opposes Government Blacklists – Voted against legislation denying persons on secret government lists their Second Amendment right to purchase or own a firearm without due process.
  • Supports the Hearing Protection Act – Supports legislation that would remove the excessive government red tape and onerous $200 transfer tax that accompanies the purchase of firearm suppressors.

John Barrasso is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and is committed to defending your constitutional rights, and that’s why it’s important for you to vote John Barrasso for U.S. Senate in the August 21st Republican primary! And please encourage your family, friends and fellow gun owners to do the same!

# John Barrasso
  Candidate for the Wyoming U.S. Senate
NRA Endorsed with NRA-PVF Rating: A

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