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NRA-PVF: Political Victory Fund
NRA Endorses Gov. McMaster for Re-election in South Carolina
NRA Endorses Gov. McMaster for Re-election in South Carolina

Fairfax, Va. – On behalf of our nearly six million members across the country, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is proud to endorse Gov. Henry McMaster for re-election in South Carolina.

Based on his long track record of proven support for the Second Amendment, Gov. Henry McMaster has earned an “A” rating from the NRA-PVF in the June 12, 2018 primary election. An “A” rating is reserved for a pro-gun lawmaker who has supported the NRA’s position on issues of importance to gun owners.

“As both attorney general and governor, McMaster staunchly defended the Second Amendment from encroachment on the local, state and federal level,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA-PVF chairman. “Thanks to his efforts, South Carolina’s concealed carry permit holders are able to protect themselves and their families.

“As Governor, McMaster signed legislation to change the state’s bankruptcy laws to ensure that gun owners who have fallen on hard times financially are not forced to sell all of their firearms to pay off debts.”

Gov. McMaster’s support for Constitutional Carry, legislation which would allow law-abiding gun owners to protect themselves without first getting government permission, helped move that bill through the South Carolina House.

McMaster believes hunting is a valuable tool for wildlife management and conservation. Additionally, he rejects expanded licensing and registration schemes and so-called “universal” background checks, which require federal government approval for transferring firearms between life-long friends and family members.

“We can count on Henry McMaster to stand up for our constitutional freedoms in South Carolina,” added Cox. “On behalf of the NRA’s nearly-six million members, I want to thank Henry for his steadfast support of the Second Amendment and urge all NRA members, gun owners and sportsmen in South Carolina to vote Henry McMaster for governor in the Republican primary election on June 12.”

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